

This Forum shall be called as “Critical care Forum of Sri Lanka”.

Registered Office

The registered office of the society shall be at 978E, Pannipitiya Road, Pelawatta, Battaramulla, Sri Lanka.



A) Patron: Any person who in the opinion of the executive committee can contribute to the image and objectives of the society significantly. Patrons have no voting rights nor can they propose, second, or hold any office of the forum.
B) The forum shall consist of the following memberships.


Any medical or paramedical staff member involved in critical care and emergency medicine shall be entitled to apply for membership in the forum.


The medical student shall be entitled to apply for associated membership. Associated members shall have no voting rights.


This defines any medical or paramedical staff member residing overseas. This membership carries no voting rights.

C) Candidates for membership shall be elected by a majority of the Executive Committee of the Society after being duly proposed and seconded in writing by any two full members. In the event of non-unanimity of decision, such discretion shall be exercised by secret ballot. A copy of the constitution shall be furnished to every member on admission to membership

D) A register of members containing their names and addresses shall be kept. All changes in the status of members or their addresses shall be recorded.



Founders – Rs.3000.00 on admission
Members – Rs.3500.00 on admission

Members – 250(US.Dollars) on admission


Founders – Rs. 500.00 per annum
Members – Rs.750.00 per annum

Members – 50(US.Dollars) per annum


Members – Rs 300.00 per annum

B) An annual subscription shall be payable by members before the 31st of January each year. The amount of the subscription shall be determined by the Executive Committee from time to time depending on the needs of the forum but the increase per year shall not exceed more than 20%.

C) Every member shall remain a member until his membership is terminated either by his resignation in writing addressed to the joint Secretaries, by a decision of the Executive Committee, or by failing to pay the annual subscription. A member may be suspended if, after twenty-four (24) months, he/she has not paid his/her due subscriptions, but he/she may be reinstated by the Executive Council on payment of subscriptions in arrears. During the period of suspension, he/she shall not retain his/her vote.

Raising of Funds, Property and Accounts

A) Raising of funds in any form, shall be with the prior expressed approval of the Executive Committee and no individual or institution shall have the authority to request or accept contributions outside the scope of the decisions of the Executive Committee.
B) Account and other investments in the name of the forum shall be operated by the president, Vice president, Joint Secretaries, and Treasurer and each document /Cheque being signed by any two of them is subject to approval by the treasurer.
C) Monies collected on behalf of the society shall be deposited only in gilt-edged securities of Banks/banks selected by the Executive committee.

Annual General Meeting

A) The inaugural meeting of the forum shall adopt the Constitution of the forum and appoint office bearers. The first general meeting shall be held within 12 months of the date of the inaugural meeting and thereafter Annual General Meetings shall be held within 15 months of the previous Annual General Meeting.
B) No less than 14 days’ notice of the Annual General Meeting shall be given. The date and time of the A.G.M. shall be notified to all members.


1) The Annual report of the Executive Committee as presented by the Joint Secretaries.
2) Audited Statement of Accounts for the previous financial year.
3) Resolutions
4) Election of office bearers and auditors for the following term
5) Any other matter of which due notice has been given.

Extraordinary General Meetings

A) An Extraordinary General Meeting shall be convened



B) No less than 14 days notice of an Extraordinary General Meeting shall be given. The date and time of the E.G.M. shall be notified to all the members.

General Meetings

A) Meetings of the forum shall be held not less than once in 3 months after giving 7 days’ notice to committee members. The President may call a meeting of the committee at any time by giving 5 days’ notice. Six committee members who should include the President or Vice President and Joint secretaries be present at all committee meetings. All local members of the forum shall be entitled to attend and vote at such meetings.

B) Any member of the Executive Committee except the international members, absenting himself from 3 consecutive meetings without notification or satisfactory explanation shall be deemed to have withdrawn from the committee and a successor may be co-opted by the committee only for the duration that the person whom he replaced was eligible to do.

Control of the society


A) The general control and direction of the policy and affairs of the forum shall be vested in the Executive Committee of the forum.

B) The Executive Committee shall hold office for one year and shall consist of a President, a Vice-president, Joint Secretaries, Administrative Secretary, an International Adviser, an Advisory committee on research, Treasurer, E-coordinator, and council members. The election of members to the Executive Committee shall be by popular vote at the Annual General Meeting of the Society.

C) Executive Committee shall have the power to organize and supervise all activities of the society.

D) The Executive Committee shall have the power to authorize the expenditure of any money standing to the credit of the Society, in order to fulfill the objectives of the Society.

E) Annually, the successive nominees for the post of president shall be a consultant contributing to the field of Critical care and Emergency medicine.

F) No members shall be eligible to seek election for more than 3 tenures as office bearers.

G) The president shall act as Chairman at all general meetings and meetings of the Executive Committee and all other official meetings of the society. The president shall guide the activities of the forum and may allocate all or any of the powers and duties under this or any other clauses of these rules to the joint secretaries.

H) The Vice president will act according to the duties assigned by the president and help the president actively to further the aims and objectives of the society. In the absence of the president, Vice President shall deputize for him/her.

I) The Joint Secretaries shall keep accurate records of all meetings and maintain correspondence pertaining to its activities. He/ she shall be responsible for the functions including academic activities of the society subject to the control and regulations of the Executive Committee.He/she shall convene meetings of the Executive Committee whenever necessary or called upon to do so, have administrative control over all the affairs of the forum, and Prepare the annual report of the society with the assistance of the administrative secretary.

J) All notices, communications, letters, memoranda, and other papers whether they are acts of the executive committee or of the society shall be signed or authenticated by joint secretaries and when signed or authenticated shall be conclusive.

K) The treasurer shall be responsible for all funds collected and disbursed on behalf of the society and shall keep an accurate record of all monetary transactions.

L) The forum may publish journals, books, or any other publications under the general directions of the Advisory Committee on Research.

M) E-coordinator shall coordinate the related activities of the website.

N) International adviser and Council members shall assist the office bearers in achieving the goals of the forum.

Election of the Committee


A) The committee of the forum shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting.

B) All local members of the forum shall be eligible for election to the committee and shall be entitled to vote in the election of the committee.

C) Candidates for each position on the committee of the Society must be proposed and seconded by members of the Society at the A.G.M.

D) All local members of the Society shall be entitled to vote in the election of the committee.

E) The election of members of the committee shall take place by secret ballot at the A.G.M. Where the votes obtained by any candidate exceed the votes obtained by any other candidate for that position, he/she shall be deemed elected to that position.

Resignations from the Committee

A) The resignation of any member of the committee shall be instituted by a letter of resignation to joint secretaries of the forum

Management of Finance

A) The finances of the forum shall be managed by the Auditor. A Charted Accountant in public service, a corporate body of Charted Accountants, or any professionally qualified person with background knowledge of accounting will be eligible to be elected as the Auditor. Such a nominee shall be elected by the members at an AGM.

B) Auditor shall be responsible for


1) Auditing the Annual Statements of Account and presenting a report to the membership.

2) To submit to the Executive Committee a report pertaining to any financial commitments made by the forum in respect of any period during their tenure of service

C) The financial year of the forum shall be from 1st January to 31st December of each year.

Amendments to the Constitution

A) Amendments to this constitution shall be made at an Annual General Meeting or an Extraordinary General Meeting.

B) Such amendments to this constitution shall be approved by a majority [two-thirds] vote of its membership.

Dissolution of the forum

A) The Forum may be dissolved by a majority [two-thirds] vote of its membership at a General Meeting.